Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Social Market for a Mirrix

Ive tried to think of a positive way to spin this but the reality is

The Southwest landscape weaving is now residing in the wastebasket beside my work table. I just wasnt happy with it and the more I worked on it, the more frustrated I became. It was the sky and the valley area that was causing the problems for me. I just couldnt get that illusion of depth and distance that I was looking for. When I found myself starting to dread going into the studio to weave, I decided lifes too short to spend time working on something that wasn't making me happy and it came off the loom. No, there are no more pictures, it was that bad.

One a more positive note, someone contacted me Monday evening about commissioning a small tapestry so that will likely be the next project. But, while I'm working out the details for that project, I decided to work on a quickie project and use up some of the remnants of yarn, fiber, and ribbon I've been collecting.

For this piece, I warped the loom using regular bulky yarn instead of C-Lon cord then used the same yarn for the weft, incorporating the scraps as I worked. The piece is about 10 inches wide and about 12 inches high. Im thinking about attaching a handmade mask in the middle of the weaving then mounting the piece on a black background and framing it.

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