Mirrix Loom Weave Along # 8 -
Soumak Pouch- 1- Warp and Weft
In September, I will be leading a Weave Along, using Mirrix Looms.
I will be posting the pattern, video tutorials, instructions and step by step photos for the Weave Along here on Tottie Talks Crafts.
The project is a Business Card Pouch, which also works well as a cellphone pouch, woven in Soumak, embellished with corded edges and chain stitch embroidery.
I have designed it to be welcoming to entry level weavers, but also, with options that will appeal (I hope) to more advanced weavers, too.
Because it can take awhile to get orders cleared and shipped, I am posting some suggested warp and weft yarns, as well as the links for ordering them now.
Hopefully, your yarns will arrive before September first.
Here are a few photos of some of the Business Card pouches that I have woven so far:
This is the first Business card pouch that I wove, using:
copyright Noreen Crone-Findlay
Harrisville Warp LINK
and: Wool weft: Harrisville Variety Yarn Pack: Brights LINK
I wove the second pouch with the Harrisville warp and for weft:
Harrisville Variety Yarn Pack Jewels LINK
I quite like both p0uches, but .... OOPS!
They are slightly too small for their intended purpose! EEGADS! Business cards don't fit in them!
So, I went back to the drawing board, and altered the pattern.
By then, gorgeous yarn had arrived from Lion Brand yarns: LINK TO BONBON YARN
The photo doesn't convey the scale of the balls of Bonbon...
They are tiny, perfect little balls of loveliness. Each of them is 2 1/2 inches (6cm) tall.
The cotton is simply gorgeous to weave with. I love it.
I wove these Pouches in Bonbon cottons, with Metallic chain stitch embroidery:
I used the 'Nature' colorway for the pouch in the photo above, and 'Beach for the pouch in the photo below:
The Metallic yarns come in six packs, as does the cotton. I used yarns from both colorways: Party and Celebrate, for these pouches.
My daughter in law suggested that I add a swivel snap hook to the upper corner of the pouch.
I thought that it was a great suggestion, and so I have added it.
The swivel clip allows you to clip it to your bag, or the belt loop of blue jeans.
If your cellphone is one of the larger ones, you may need to upsize your pouch if you would rather use it as a cellphone pouch instead of a business card pouch.
I used Lion Cotton for the warp for these two pouches, because I wanted to use yarns that you can order at the same time to make this all easier for you:
I wasn't sure if it would work for the projects, but it does just fine.
I don't think that I would use it for tapestry warp for a really large project, because it has a cheerful slightly bouncy nature.
Warp for tapestry really does need to be made of sterner stuff :D None of that youthful springiness!
Speaking of warp- a couple of my Ravelry friends have asked if carpet warp would be okay for the Weave Along, and yes, indeed, it will work fine.
I am going to weave some of the pouches on carpet warp, and also on the green linen that's on that ginormous spool.
I am waiting for yarn (both Warp and Weft) from Mirrix. When they arrive, I will edit them into this post.
They haven't arrived yet, but Elena has posted a photo and a link for the kit:
Gorgeous, yes? :D
Here's the link to order them: MIRRIX KIT LINK
In my next post, I will show you the equipment, materials and tools that you will need to gather up for the Weave Along.
Here's the link to a post that has all the blog post links, to keep everything quick and easy to refer to : LINK
You are invited to post comments on the blog posts here on Tottie Talks Crafts.... AND....
Please post your photos and join in the discussion on the Facebook group: LINK
And, you can post your weave along photos and chat with the other WAL participants on Ravelry, too: LINK
There's a sign up on the Mirrix website so you'll get notifications of the posts. LINK
- warp
-optional contrast yarn for chain stitch embellishment
You are so welcome to join in!
:) Noreen
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