Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Feel the pain and stop

Ive developed some stiffness in my right hand. I'm not sure if it's from weaving or just work and life in general. I don't really feel it unless I go to make a fist, stretch my fingers out or scratch!. It hasn't stopped me weaving. But what has is a recurring problem with the area beneath my thumb. I developed something like carpal tunnel syndrome shortly after the birth of my first child. I have since had it on and off. However, I noticed earlier this year that if I weave too much or for long periods at a time, I get pain in my thumb which travels downwards. No twinges or discomfort in the wrist, it's all in the thumb and the surrounding area. If I ignore it, it does become a nuisance so I have learnt to stop pretty much as soon as I feel any twinges. I bought this thumb splint which helps. But it's hard to wear it and weave - particularly if the metal is still in there. It's hard to get my hand behind the warps without slowly slotting it in - that just ruins my rhythm and becomes cumbersome! So I'll have to wait a day or two before I can do any more.

Anyway, having waffled on about why I can't weave, here is my progress so far. Not much has been done on the bracelet on the right. With the blues bracelet, I decided it would be easier to weave the pearls into the design once the sides are done. So now it's moving quicker and should hopefully be done soon, fingers crossed.

I've also made progress on the strip for the side of the violin. It's looking very pretty if I say so. I think I may also make some curtain ties using some of the designs but in different colours to suit the decor of the sitting room. I wanted to try advancing warps but it won't work because I started weaving at the top rather than the bottom. So that will be left for another time.

I'm thinking they would look nice as a camera strap as well. I think I'll make one for my brother, a nice surprise :)

Since I can't weave, I'll have to try and come up with some more designs! But hopefully I can show some progress by the weekend. Have a great evening!

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