Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Social Market for a Mirrix

Ive started weaving the LandSat photo of Dragon Lake Siberia and that Tahki Cotton Classic is a dream to weave with. Im actually further along now than this picture shows but I wanted to show the beginning of the weaving.

The beige threads at the base of the weaving are the hem. The purpose of the hem is to space out the warp threads evenly and it gives me a foundation to work on. Once the tapestry is finished, I will remove the hem before knotting the warp threads. Some weavers turn the hem under and stitch it to the back of the tapestry.

I mentioned in a previous post that I will be using 3 colors of the Tahki Cotton Classic in this weaving. You can see 2 of the colors above. There are a number of tapestry techniques to consider when weaving and Im using a warp interlock (wefts in adjacent areas share a common warp) technique here. The warp interlock technique creates a more jagged edge where the 2 colors meet. Since Im working from a LandSat photo, I wanted to avoid the hard edges that can sometimes be the result of using a slit technique.

One of the subjects I meant to cover in the last video was tools for passing the weft thread through the shed. I make my decision based on the design and use either bobbins, stick shuttles, butterflies, or long needles. In my opinion, butterflies are the easiest for the beginning weaver to start with.

Again, I would highly recommend Nancy Harveys Tapestry Weaving: A Comprehensive Study Guide or Kristen Glasbrooks Tapestry Weaving if youre just getting started.

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