Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tasks and the dye studio

image Correction for yesterday’s post. Thanks to Camille for pointing out (on FB) that I calculated the warp width incorrectly. I was thinking in terms of the width necessary for two 4-inch squares, without taking into account that the two squares are joined in different sections. Therefore, I need a warp width for three 4-inch squares. That’s why I talk about these things out loud!

Have you noticed that sometimes before you can do one task, that three more tasks need to be completed? Since I have been talking about having a real dye studio, I did the first task on Wednesday—clean and reorganized the carport. Being a carport, lots of leaves had blown in, so those are now bagged and ready for the compost. I’ve always been able to park my car, but lately winding my way into the house had become more wind than a straight line. Now I am ready to start on the room that will become a better organized dye studio, with the dyes on open shelves, a utility sink, and stoves that are not in the middle of the space. There will even be a table for painting either warps or fabric. Now that the carport is cleaned, I can begin emptying the dye space, reorganizing, and getting rid of the trash.

One of the benefits of cleaning the carport was that I found my aluminum easel, which I am hoping I can use with the Mirrix. Not sure it’s sturdy enough, but keeping my fingers crossed.

Another task was organizing a visit for my grandchildren to visit here this summer. They are too young to fly alone (in my humble opinion and that of their parents), so this involves my flying to them, spending one night, and then flying back here. Lots of coordination involved in getting dates, flight times, etc. Every time I thought something was nailed down, I was timed out on the reservation. Or if I changed one date, the price increased so much that it was no longer an option. All of this took three hours on the internet, and believe me, I was tense at the end of the process! We’re using two different airlines to make this work. Whew! But it’s worth it to be able to spend time with them this summer.

If you don’t have anything else to do and want to start a new kind of garden…

This from NPRimage

And this from NY Times image

And another from the Times. The picture below actually seems very practical. The buckets are on pulleys so that the plants can be protected from deer.image

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